Disease awareness and information campaign by Janssen Greece, under the auspices of the Hellenic Psychiatric Association and the Greek Carers Network EPIONI. The launch of an awareness and information campaign on depression was announced on June 20, 2022 – by Janssen Greece, in an effort to motivate people to overcome stereotypes and openly discuss the disease. The campaign, entitled “Breaking Prejudice, Talking about Depression”, is supported by its official website and is under the auspices of the Hellenic Psychiatric Association (HPA) and the  Greek Carers Network EPIONI.

The campaign aims to highlight a major health problem that has a social impact. It concerns our fellow citizens of all ages and social groups, men and women who are fighting to overcome depression. The visual identity of the campaign is based on four central characters, four faces overcoming the fears, prejudices and insecurities they face due to the disease. They break their silence, talk openly about their lives with depression, trust the experts and people around them and begin the process of recovery by facing the light again.
The Greek website Breaking Prejudice, Talking about Depression, comes to reinforce the awareness campaign by giving everyone access to in-depth information, advice and guidance for patients and caregivers.

“At Janssen Greece, we are proud of the ‘Breaking Prejudice, Talking About Depression’ campaign, through which we aspire to empower everyone to better understand, to support and to help those living with depression. We are working closely with Hellenic Psychiatric Association and EPIONI with our main goal to support this joint effort both for essential information and for the best possible management of the disease, always for the benefit of patients and their families”, said the Communications & Public Affairs Manager of Janssen Greece, Kely Stavropoulou.
The President of the Hellenic Psychiatric Association, Vassilios-Pantelemon Bozikas, noted: “The pandemic has exacerbated the already existing problem of depression, significantly increasing its rates in the general population. Information and awareness campaigns such as “Breaking Prejudice, Talking about Depression” are necessary and beneficial to create that safe environment of anti-stigma and social acceptance, to speak out boldly about this serious public health issue.”

For his part, Spyridon Zormpas, President of the  Greek Carers Network EPIONI said: “The information of the community and the appropriate management by experts are particularly important factors for depression. The burden shouldered by family carers to support their depressed relatives is great and this should be a matter of concern.”

Janssen, as leader in neuroscience, with a long-standing focus and investment in research and development, aims to reduce the impact of mental health disorders on patients and their loved ones.