As part of IN-4-AHA’s Twinning Schemes 2021-2022, two representatives from EPIONI visited for one day the Digital Health & Care and Department of Public Health (Northern Ireland), in order to gain expertise in the use and implementation of two innovative Apps for caregivers of people with dementia, the InspireD Reminiscence App and the CLEAR Dementia Care App.
The InspireD Reminiscence App (https://www.theinspiredapp. com/) was developed by Ulster University for people with dementia and their carers, helping them to record their lives and their story in an app specifically designed for smartphones and tablets. People with dementia often have problems with short-term memory and find it easier to remember events from their past. The process of reminiscence prompts people to share their life experiences, memories and stories and in doing so maintain or forge links with other people. Research has shown that reminiscence can improve mood, well-being, quality of life and relationships in people with dementia.
The CLEAR Dementia Care app ( app/clear-dementia-care/ id1536147244) was developed at North Health & Social Care Trust.
A person with dementia in trying to meet their needs can sometimes be driven to behaviors that others find difficult to understand. This increases anxiety for both the person with dementia and their carers, who sometimes do not know what to do or how to respond, feel helpless and may respond in a way that increases confusion and distress. They therefore have an increased need to learn more about dementia and how to care for their person. The CLEAR Dementia Care app provides brief and easy to understand information about the cognitive and behavioural symptoms of dementia. It uses text and colourful images to help users see the world from the perspective of the person with dementia. When we do this, quality of life improves for both the person with dementia and those who love and care for them.
IN-4-AHA twinnings include knowledge sharing activities on innovative products/practices between two different types of organisations. One is the one who has developed a good practice/product (the Originator), and the other who implements – adopts it (the Adopter). Through this exchange of good practices, opportunities for networking and new partnerships are created.
Finally, within the framework of this project, health professionals and caregivers in Greece will be informed and trained in the use of the two innovative applications through a webinar organized by EPIONI. The partners from Digital Health & Care and Department of Public Health will visit Athens on 11 May 2022 and a presentation meeting will be held to present EPIONI’s project.