From November 14th to 18th, 2022, as part of the Erasmus+ KA1 project “Empowering adult educators who support family carers”, members of our association’s board of directors and adult educators visited the European Federation Eurocarers, the Belgian Brain Council organization, the SIMILES a.s.b.l. organization, and the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD).

During our stay in Brussels, we had a very interesting discussion with Stelios Kympouropoulos, a Member of the European Parliament from the European People’s Party, about the current activities of the European Parliament regarding the European Care Strategy. Mr. Kympouropoulos emphasized the need to focus and deepen the work of the EPIONE in serving caregivers.

During our stay, we also had the opportunity to discuss with MEP Tomáš Zdechovský from the Czech Republic, who is deeply interested in mental health.

The 5-day job shadowing in Brussels from November 14th to 18th, 2022, at Eurocarers gave the opportunity to develop the skills of adult educators who support family caregivers. In the meetings we had with our counterparts, we were able to analyze the EU’s current policies for caregivers.

Thanks to the excellent cooperation of the European Federation Eurocarers, as well as the Similes Bruxelles and Belgian Brain Council organizations, which we had the opportunity to visit, we gained valuable insights into good practices in supporting family caregivers in the EU.

The project “Empowering adult educators who support family carers” is funded by the European Union. We would like to thank the Greek National Agency IKY for the support.