S.N Project title Main activities Source of funding Total Budget EPIONI Budget    Implementation  Partners
1 Learning for Caregivers in Europe – Learn4Carers Coordinator of a good practice exchange program to support informal carers in Europe in collaboration with organizations from Belgium, France, UK and Greece. Focus Groups Collection of good practices Transnational meetings EU Erasmus+ 48.197,88 18.580 01.12.2018 – 31.12.2020 Eurocarers La Compagnie des Aidants Care Alliance Ireland PEPSAEE
2 Educating Informal Caregivers Coordinator of a training program that includes ten to twenty-day visits to institutions that support informal carers in France, Italy, Belgium and Ireland. A five-day training seminar in Cyprus EU Erasmus+ 24.793 24.793 01.07.2018 – 30.06.2020 ANT Eurocarers La Compagnie des Aidants Care Alliance Ireland ShipCon
3 Linking Partners to Share Good Practices for Social Inclusion of People with Mental Health Problem – Linking Partners Partner in a good practice exchange program for the social integration of people with mental illness coordinated by a public body from Turkey and partners from Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. EU Erasmus+ 88.815 16.127 01.12.2018 – 30.11.2020 Istanbul Saĝlık Müdürlugu Consorzio SGS SENT University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče
4 Workshops at the European Parliament office in Athens entitled “Caring for carers” Information days aimed at informing the general population and the participation of policymakers and representatives of organizations from Greece and the European Union. Private sector companies (pharmaceutical, insurance, etc.) 6.200 6.200 28.09.2018 & 27.9.2019 PEPSAEE EDRA Eurocarers Hellenic Psychiatric Association
5 Conference for relatives of patients with heart disease Informing the general population Participation of representatives from the European Union Involvement of policymakers Sponsorships from private sector companies (pharmaceutical, insurance, etc.) 4.800 4.800 05.05.2018 & 06.05.2019 The Child’s Heart Association of heart patients of Navy officers, coast guard and friends
6 Sharing Good Practices for the psychoeducation of children of parents with mental health problems in Europe -Share4Carers Good practice exchange program to support children with parents with mental illness EU Erasmus+ 51. 550 6.815 01.12.2019 – 31.07.2021 Dynami Zois EUFAMI COMIP Fondazione Don Luigi Di Liegro Gaziantep University Centre Neuro Psychiatrique St Martin
7 Educating Caregivers of Kidney Patients – ECARIS Care Program for Caregivers of People with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) EU Erasmus+ 175.534 34.469 01.12.2019 – 31.08.2022 Anziani e Non Solo Danish Committee for Health Education Saronic Nephrological  Center ALCER
8 Sharing Good Practices for Brain Education in Europe – Share4Brain A program for exchanging good practices for information about the brain in Europe EU Erasmus+ 70.870 13.285 01.12.2019 – 31.05.2022 Belgian Brain Council Serbian Brain Council Spanish Brain Council National and Kapodistrian University of Athens CVBF
9 Exchanging Good Practices for people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their caregivers ADHD-CARE Program of exchange of good practices for the support of people with attention deficit disorder (ADHD) and their caregivers. EU Erasmus+ 51.783 9.769 01.12.2019 – 31.11.2021 Serbian Brain Council Belgian Brain Council Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Open University of Cyprus
10 Webinar Heart Disease and coronavirus: The Contribution of Caregivers Webinar for people with heart disease and their caregivers about the issue of coronavirus. Interamerican Pharmacist Lilly 1.200 1.200 8.5.2020 The Child’s Heart Association of Cardiac Navy, Coast Guard & Friends officers
11 # wecare_ye Participation of five young people and two accompanying adults in a training seminar in Bari, Italy in the context of creating a Young Patient Advisory Board. EU Erasmus+ Youth 22.617 4.885 1.1.2019 – 30.6.2020 CVBF Fundatia Romanian Angel
12 Social Entrepreneurship Skills to Young CAREgivers of people with chronic Illness – SESYCARE Good practice exchange program to support young carers in social entrepreneurship skills EU Erasmus+ Youth 53.135 15.580 14.12.2020 – 13.11.2022 The Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work Wind of Renewal Istanbul Gelisim University Consorzio SGS
13 Wise Wild World – WWW  Youth exchange program – Training course for 30 youth and socio-educational operators coming from 9 European countries EU Erasmus+ Youth 21.788 550 21-27.09.2021 Coda di Lupo
14 Accessing and managing EU funds for adult education providers in the Mental Health sector – ACCEUEDU Training program for mental health workers and networking with Universities in Cyprus EU Erasmus+ 41.992 41.992 06.11.2020 – 05.07.2022 Alzheimer Hellas PEPSAEE Society of Social Psychiatry P. Sakelaropoulos EPSEP EDRA
15 Exchanging good practices for the social inclusion of people with mental health problems Exchange of good practices for the social integration of people with mental health problems EU Erasmus+ 86.951 13.723 01.12.2020 – 30.11.2022 Luciole 92 University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče Fondazione Don Luigi Di Liegro Saint-Martin Neuro Psychiatric Center Espérance Hauts de Seine
16 Integrative Parents’ Autism Training Child and Adolescent Center – IPAT Education program for parents of people with autism EU Erasmus+ 181.417 21.643 01.11.2020 -31.07.2023 Child & Adolescent Center Gaziantep University Controvento Autismo Burgos
17 Developing social and professional skills through outdoor experiences – Hi-Ability Program for the development of social and professional skills through outdoor activities EU Erasmus+ 274.135 45.505 01.12.2020 – 30.11.2022 Controvento EPOS Fylis Health Life Academy Trekkify  EASPD
18 Competent Inhabitants to Valorise Inclusive Communities in EU – CIVIC Residents with skills to support inclusive communities in the EU EU Erasmus+ 58.960 10.540 01.09.2020 – 31.12.2022 ASL ROMA 2 University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče GEMS DESINCOOP
19 RECovery of Adults living with Depression and psychosis in Europe – RECADE Rehabilitation of adults living with depression and psychosis in Europe EU Erasmus+ 172.835 29.948 01.11.2020 – 30.04.2023 EPSEP ASL ROMA 2 University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče Danish Committee for Health Education
20 Exchanging Good Practices for the professional integration of adults with Chronic Kidney Disease – ProCKD Exchange of good practices for the professional integration of adults with chronic renal failure – ProCKD EU Erasmus+ 80.665 12.270 07.12.2020 – 06.12.2022 Saronic Nephrological  Center The Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work Istanbul Gelisim University ALCER Autonomous University of Madrid

Sharing practices in the use of ART for adults with MEntal health problems – Art4Me

Exchange of practices on the use of art with adults with mental health problems EU Erasmus+ 59.146 10.938 15.03.2021 -14.03.2023 Danish Committee for Health Education University Hospital Vrapče Fondazione Don Luigi Di Liegro Safe Space Associação Saúde Mental Portugal 
22 Creativity with MBCT Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Economic and Social Crisis: A project for Supporting Women with Physical Disability and Female Caregivers of Disabled Person at Home  EU Erasmus+ 197.762 30.174 01.06.2021 – 30.05.2023 Istanbul Gelisim University Kairós Sociedad PMI Services  Academy of Créteil Beylikdüzü Belediyesi
23 EPICO Improving the quality of life of epileptic patients through improved patient-doctor-communication Digital Health Europe 16.950 5.550 01.09.2020 – 30.06.2021 AICRUM IT SL (Spain) SYNDESIS LTD (Greece)


SUpporting family CaregivErs of adultS with mental health problemS  EU Erasmus+ 30.000 7.398 28.02.2022 – 28.02.2024 University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče Similes Bruxelles
25 E-Care4PD Exchanging good practices in e-health care for adults with Parkinson’s and their family caregivers in Europe  EU Erasmus+ 60.000 11.740 14.02.2022-14.02.2024 Parkinson Madrid Belgian Brain Council Serbian Brain Council


Exchanging good practices for Adults with Autism and their family caregivers  EU Erasmus+ 60.000 11.364 28.02.2022 – 28.02.2024 Belgian Brain Council Controvento FUNDACIÓN MIRADAS Latvijas Autisma apvieniba
27 ADHD-EU exchanging good practices about ADHD in adults in EUrope  EU Erasmus+ 60.000 20.011 24.11.2022 – 24.11.2024 ADHD-Ireland University of Cyprus
28 Golden Age Human Rights Support Information and capacity building for the defence of human rights. Raising awareness of the types, signs and factors of abuse and the issues of ageism. Active citizens fund, EEA Grants 69.316,36 15.757,11 01/04/2021 – 31/05/2022 Alzheimer Chalkida
29 Empowering Αdult Εducators who Support Family Caregivers Empowering Αdult Εducators who Support Family Caregivers  EU Erasmus+ 18.435 18.435 05/10/2022 – 04/10/2023 Eurocarers Shipcon Similes Bruxelles Belgian Brain Council
30 Digitalis Empowering Informal Carers in Their Daily Usage of Digital Healthcare Services  EU Erasmus+ 302.420 35.505 01.02.2022 – 31.01.2025

Fondazione Democenter




31 PrOActive Exchanging good practices for adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) and their families  EU Erasmus+ 60.000 16.180 01.03.2022 – 01.03.2022

Fundación San Cebrián

Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Trekkify

32 IN-4-AHA’s Twinning Schemes 2021-2022 InspireD Reminiscence App & CLEAR Dementia Care App IN-4-AHA 5.000 2.124,58 01.01.2022 – 31.06.2022

Digital Health & Care NI, Public Health Agency, obo DoH NI

University of Porto



An integrated solution for managing mass casualty incidents and supporting coordinated and effective rescue operations. Horizon 2020 PCP 121. 520 9.800 01.10.2022  – 31.12.2022


University of Valencia  Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi



Sharing Good Practices for the use of non clinical e-health
solutions for Adults with Autism and their Caregivers in

Exchanging good practices for the use of non clinical e-health
solutions for adults with autism and their caregivers.
Erasmus+ 30.000 9.660 01.02.2023 –  29.02.2024


Belgian Brain Council


Sharing good practices in the use of nonclinical e-health
solutions for cancer patients and their caregivers in Europe

Exchanging good practices in the use of nonclinical e-health
solutions for cancer patients and their caregivers.
Erasmus+ 60.000 11.390 15.02.2023 –  15.03.2024

Kapa 3

Danish Committee for Health Education

University of Naples 

36 Inclusive society for people with mental health problems: Training mental health professionals, informal carers and mental health service recipients in the Recovery methodology Mental health professionals from all psychosocial rehabilitation and mental health agencies throughout Greece will have the opportunity to be trained in modern approaches and methodologies for mental health. Recipients of mental health services will be able to set up self-help groups within mental health facilities, now having themselves the role of coordinator. Informal carers will be trained in the Recovery and Co-production methodology in order to support themselves and to contribute to the social inclusion of mental health service recipients. Bodossaki Foundation 48.340 19.950 01.06.2023 –  31.05.2024


Ομοσπονδία Φορέων Ψυχικής Υγείας Αργώ


Sharing policies and approaches aimed at tackling Employment obstacles faced by adults with mental health issues

Exchanging policies and approaches to address the barriers to employment faced by adults with mental health problems in Europe. Erasmus+ 60.000 15.365 12.11.2023 – 11.01.2025

Belgian Brain Council 




Together and united, let’s think about opening up our practices for carers

Exchange of good practices for informal carers with organisations from Belgium and France Erasmus+ 60.000 17.917 01.9.2023 – 28.02.2025

Aidants Proches


39 HL4EU – Healthy Lifestyles for Europe Cross-sectoral approach to promote healthy lifestyles in Europe Erasmus-Sport-2023-SCP 400.000 41.500 01.01.2024 – 30.06.2026


European Initiative for Exercise in Medicine






Exchanging good practices on Active and Healthy Ageing for Adults with Autism and their caregivers

  1. Best Practices Manual Search
  2. Best Practice Implementation Training
  3. Awareness Campaigns and Events
  4. Results Communication and Dissemination
Erasmus+ 60.000 13.580 01.11.2023 – 31.10.2025


University of Calabria



EUF – engaging and empowering EU Families through

storytelling, digital guide and card game

1) Sharing Stories of Communication between Parents and Children (Stories Gallery and Photo Exhibition) 2) Informative Guide for Effective Parent-Child Communication

3)EUF Card Game for Exploring Communication Styles within Parent-Child Relationships

4) EUF International Hybrid Dissemination Event in Greece- “Empowering Families through Storytelling, Digital Guides, and Card Games for Healthy Communication

Erasmus+ 60.000 14.906 01.10.2023 – 31.03.2025



Across APS


To program Social Entrepreneurship Skills to Young CAREgivers of people with chronic Illness (SESYCARE) will focus on training these young people in social enterprise skills and demonstrating them in European Union funding programs (eg Erasmus for Young People).

Exchanging good practices for the support of informal carers in Europe. Collaboration with organizations from Belgium, France, UK and Greece.