On 22 October 2021, EPIONI organised an event on “Caregivers and Depression”. The event was under the auspices of the Hellenic Psychiatric Association and supported by the Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Department of Public and Community Health of the University of West Attica.
The webinar was supported by the Society of Social Psychiatry P. Sakellaropoulos EUFAMI, Alzheimer Hellas, Society of Psychosocial Research and Intervention, SPRI, Alzheimer Chalkida, Obrela, Edra, the 4th Psychiatric Admissions Department of the Psychiatric Hospital of Attica, the Hellenic Centre for Mental Health and Research, the “Association of Cardiac Officers of the Navy, Coastguard, and Friends” and ENALMH.
MEP Stelios Kympouropoulos gave a welcome speech and highlighted the important role of caregivers*
The conference hosted important scientists such as psychiatrists George Christodoulou, Dimitrios Kontis, Dimitrios Roukas, and the Lecturer of the University of West Attica, Mr. Christos Prapas. Finally, a presentation was given by the Director of the European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness EUFAMI Mr. John Saunders
The sponsors of the webinar were the companies: VIANEX, Janssen Greece, Pfizer, Interamerican, and the Saronic Nephrological Center.
The communication sponsors were: https://dailypharmanews.gr/ www.psychologynow.gr, www.iatronet.gr
*Dear participants,
It is with great pleasure and honour that I endorse today, another excellent event of the “Greek Carers Network EPIONI”.
It is a model organisation in Greece, which systematically concerns itself with the defense and dissemination of the rights of a very important and numerous population group, that of informal carers, always based on European standards.
Informal caregivers, whether parents, relatives, friends, or neighbors, are those who always offer pro bono services of practical support and care to those in need.
Informal caregiving is often a physically demanding and psychologically challenging process, mainly due to the increased volume of responsibilities and moral obligations that it carries.
Moreover, when care becomes long-term and in the absence of a wider supportive social network, unpleasant feelings of exhaustion, frustration, sadness, and guilt can develop.
As the needs for care services are increasing across Europe and as informal carers are gradually being recognized as the ‘pillars’ of national health and welfare systems, it is our duty to highlight and recognize their multi-layered work.
Depression is a real challenge for modern carers and we must provide them with maximum emotional support while defending their labour, educational, political, and social rights by all possible means.
In conclusion, I wish every success in the proceedings of today’s event and I am sure that it will be a highly rewarding experience for all.
MEP Stelios Kympouropoulos
When we Talk About Depression in Families John Saunders