The Open University of Cyprus hosted the final project meeting of the ADHD-CARE project “Exchanging Good Practices for people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their caregivers” with online invited open talks.
The Open University of Cyprus (OUC) hosted, on October 7-8, 2021, the final project meeting of the ADHD-CARE project entitled: “Exchanging Good Practices for people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their caregivers”.
The main objective of the Erasmus+ funded project is to enhance psychoeducation for people with ADHD, highlight the importance of increasing support to carers of people with ADHD with the ultimate goal of improving the lives of adult Europeans living with a brain disorder, such as ADHD, and to facilitate the exchange of good practices on successful #ADHD campaigns in the participating counties, Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Serbia, Turkey and beyond.
The agenda included four (4) online invited talks, open to the public, on the important topic of inclusion of adults with ADHD.
More specifically, on Friday, October 8, 2021 (09.30 – 11.30 EEST), Dr Styliani Spyridi (Consultant Psychiatrist) discussed the topic “Adults with ADHD in Cyprus”, Associate Professor Simoni Symeonidou (Inclusive Education, Department of Education, University of Cyprus) addressed the topic of “Inclusive education and learners with ADHD: Challenges and suggestions”, and Hans van de Velde (Vice-President of ADHD Europe, Chair of the Dutch Association for people with ADHD, and Ambassador of European Brains at Work) gave a talk entitled “Employees with ADHD: How employer and employee can both profit from it”. Ms Marina Georgiou, President of the ADHD Cyprus, presented the role and work of the Association. Remote participation and attendance was possible via the eLearning Platform of the Open University of Cyprus.
In addition to the ADHD-CARE project meeting, two focus groups were performed: a Focus group of parents with children with ADHD Moderated by Ms Marina Georgiou (ADHD Cyprus) and a Focus group with three adult professionals with ADHD Moderated by Hans van de Velde (via the e-class Platform) the Vice-President ADHD Europe.

The OUC research team involved in the ADHD-CARE project is led by Associate Professor Maria Gravani, Academic Coordinator of the postgraduate programmes “Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning” and “Adult Education for Social Change” (International Erasmus Mundus Master).
The project consortium includes the following partners: