EPIONI in cooperation with the patient associations “The Heart of the Child”, “Skitali” and the “Association of Heart Patients Officers of the Navy – L.S. and Friends” successfully held on Friday 29 April 2022, the 5th informative event – hybrid workshop on “Support for people with heart disease and the contribution of their caregivers”.
The event was held under the auspices of the Region of Attica, the Municipality of Athens, the Hellenic Institute of Cardiology and Metabolism, the Hellenic Psychiatric Society and the Global HEART Hub.

The event featured excellent speakers who support patients with heart disease:

  • Angelos Angelopoulos, General Coordinator of “The Heart of the Child” spoke about the work and support actions of the association for children with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) and their families.
  • Evangelos Liberopoulos, President of the Hellenic Atherosclerosis Society and Professor of Pathology at the Laiko Hospital described atherosclerosis and presented ways of treatment.
  • Mr Ignatios Economidis, Professor of Cardiology at the University of Athens, spoke about Diabetes and the Heart and cardioprotection with newer treatments.
  • Christos Maniotis, cardiologist and Omiros Papadopoulos, researcher at EKEFE Demokritos presented the advanced service of “Cardio Now” which makes possible/feasible the remote monitoring of patients with cardiac problems in real time.
  • Andrew Adabie, Director of AliveCor Limited, presented the “AliveCor” service and how the mobile ECG is revolutionizing remote patient healthcare.
  • Stavros Terzakis, Vice President of EPIONI and Deputy Secretary General of the Hellenic Patients Association, spoke about the involvement of cardiac patients in treatment decision-making.
  • Anastasios Milkas, interventional cardiologist at the Athens Naval Hospital, discussed non-pharmacological interventions in the treatment of people with heart failure and the value of the contribution of family caregivers.
  • Communication Sponsors: www.psychologynow.gr, and www.iatronet.gr, https://healthdaily.gr

Sponsor: https://www.dialsc.gr/en/contact/

The hybrid workshop was held with free admission at the French Institute Sina 31, Athens and online.