The law that concerns caregivers (eg parents or individuals eg siblings who have the custody of a person with a disability:

According to par. 4 and 5 of article 16 of law 2527/1997, as replaced by par. 8 of article 30 of law 3731/2008 and article 27 of law 4305/2014: “4. The reduction of working hours by one (1) hour per day, according to the provisions of article 5 of p.d. 193/1988 (Α` 84), in order for regular employees and employees with an employment relationship under private law of indefinite and fixed term of the State, of the N.P.D.D. and OTA, who have children with a mental, mental or physical disability of 67% or more or children up to 15 years of age suffering from insulin-dependent or type 1 diabetes with a disability rate of 50% or more or a spouse with a disability of 80 % and above which it maintains, is done without a corresponding reduction of their salaries. The degree of disability is certified in accordance with the provisions in force… “.

Regarding the granting of part-time work to employees, parents of children with a disability of 67% or more, it is pointed out that it is possible even if the child is in an institution in the same city or in a place that according to common experience and logic the parent can visit. The purpose of the relevant provisions is to encourage the parent to maintain systematic contact and communication with the child who lives in an institution and to prevent the feeling of neglect or abandonment of the child (relevant also with reference number 225581/16658/2017 / 13.04.2017 document of the Ombudsman). In any case, for the granting of part-time work in accordance with the relevant provisions, the actual circumstances in which the employees are parents and children with disabilities shall be examined in order to avoid any abuse.

Further reduction of working hours by one (1) hour per day according to the provisions of par. 4 and 5 of article 16 of law 2527/1997 as in force, is an independent right of the employee for each member of the family who meets the conditions of the relevant provisions.

Employees who have the custody of a person with a disability of 67% or more are also entitled to the use of part-time work. Custody should be explicitly defined in the decision of judicial assistance, according to article 1680 of the Civil Code, since judicial support alone does not imply custody.