Saturday, July 22nd is World Brain Day. As part of the Together Under the Umbrella campaign for brain disorder awareness EFNA is inviting you and your colleagues to share a picture on the day, using the hashtag #UnderTheUmbrella. Last year’s World Brain Day saw hundreds of pictures shared around the world – selfies, groups of family and friends, medical professionals and patient groups, all stood under umbrellas – in support of brain disorder awareness. A wide variety of disease areas were highlighted in these messages including MS, Parkinsons, headache, mental health, chronic pain, ME and rare diseases. Thanks to all of you who took part! Now lets make 2017 an even bigger success and see everyone #UnderTheUmbrella on #WorldBrainDay! Click here to watch a video featuring some of the inspiring participation seen in 2016. This year EFNA is also encouraging people personally affected by brain disorder to share their stories on our Facebook page, as blog or video posts. We will be sharing video testimonies from a number of disease areas including Parkinson’s Disease, MS, Migraine, Mental Health and Restless Legs Syndrome. You can view the full video playlist here: